I cannot believe
that it is already February, let alone third quarter! Where has the time gone?
My goodness! Well it is about time for an update from our classroom. I am very
excited to share what we have been doing!
We have
officially finished unit three on homes and families. (We started before
Christmas, but with the holidays & report cards time got away from us!)
At the end of
this unit I love to do an inquiry project focused around The Three Little Pigs.
We took one whole day and became a jury for the big bad wolf and engineers
building our own homes.
The morning
consisted of a case study of the three little pig. First we heard the story from
the pigs’ point of view. Then we heard the story from the wolf’s point of view.
We then compared and contrasted both arguments (showen below)
After analyzing
both sides of the story we then brought it to vote to see if the wolf was
guilty or innocent. (7 students thought the wolf was innocent; 12 thought he
was guilty) Sorry big bad wolf!
When we were done
with our case study we then began researching how to build a home. We found
that in order to have a sturdy house you must have a strong foundation. I then
grouped the students and gave then a paper bag containing all different
materials. Their goal was to build a 3D structure (house) that could withstand
the “big bad” hairdryer! Below are pictures of their creations!
of the structures were still standing after the big bad hairdryer! YAY!
day will be one of my favorite memories for years to come! We all had so much
We have now moved
on to unit four, which is all about weather, seasons, and preserving the earth.
This is a really fun unit for kids. They can make MANY connections to the books
we are reading. It is fun to see!
Please continue to work on all letter names and sounds.
*This really
helps with reading and writing. I notice it most when students are trying to
sound out words.
has not my
puts his on what here this
*Along with the
other sight words listed on the turkey and Santa worksheet. Another list of
sight words will be coming home soon!
Math Update:
In math we are
finishing up decomposing teen numbers into tens and ones. (For example: 13 is 1
ten and 3 ones) We are now moving into combinations of ten, addition and
subtraction up to five, and decomposing numbers into different pairs. (3 and 4
makes 7, or 1 and 5 make 6) We are also working on learning the new vocabulary in math: the addition/plus sign (+), the subtraction/ take away sign (-), and the equals sign (=).
PTA proudly presents the annual
Meadowlark School READ-A-THON! The Read-a-thon will run from February 2nd
through February 11th. Our goal is for each student to read or have
an adult read to them. Remember, when your child reads his/her lost of sight
words, books, poem, Book-It program minutes, etc. it counts towards “time” for
the Read-a-thon. This is a great way to earn money for our school. Kiddos who
choose to participate will also be entered into a drawing to win prizes. Happy
(Book-it program continues this month. Remember to keep track of your minutes for the read-a-thon though!)
Dates for February:
2nd – 11th: READ-A-THON
6th – We will celebrate the 100th day of school!
12th – Early out; Valentine’s Day celebration!
13th – No school!
16th – No school!
19th – Skate Night @ 5:00pm
(on 29th St West)
27th – Spirit Day! Wear your Meadowlark T-shirt.