Monday, March 2, 2015

Marching into March

My goodness, I cannot believe that it is already March! The saying must be true, time flies when you’re having fun. That is exactly what we are doing in kindergarten!

First I wanted to update you on the success of the READ-A-THON last month. As a school we raised over $10,000! That means the whip cream pies will be flying!  The top money earner from each class will be throwing a whip cream pie at Mrs. Lemelin and the students who raised over $100 from our class will be throwing a whip cream pie at me. The students are very excited to see their principal and their teacher get pied! (Maybe a little too excited! J ) I am just hoping whip cream comes out of hair easily. I want to thank each of the families that participated for the support and the donations to our school!

Carnival Basket:
Each year our class is responsible for creating a basket to be auctioned off at the school carnival. This year our theme is MOVIE NIGHT! We ask that families donate things to be used at a family movie night. (For Example: Movies/DVDs, popcorn, popcorn seasoning, popcorn containers, soda pop, gift cards to a movie theater, gift cards for movie rentals, etc.) I ask that all the things be brought in by March 13th. Thank you!

Reading Update:
We have just finished unit four. The kids have really enjoyed talking about why and how to take care of our outdoors/earth. We have had some of the best conversations about weather, the four seasons, the effects of pollution, and how to take care of nature. Our next unit, unit five, will be all about different kinds of celebrations. This will include everyday celebrations, family celebrations, celebrations in our country, and how we show pride in our country. This is a fun unit where many text connections come up.

Identify the beginning, middle, and final sounds of a word
blending sounds to form a word
vowel sounds - long & short
Comprehension Strategies:
Make text connections 
Make predictions
Draw conclusions
High Frequency Words:
have   like   what   has   my    not    his    puts

Math Update:
We are just finishing up working with number bonds (breaking down a number into two smaller numbers)and combinations of 10. We will be moving into addition and subtraction. 

Important dates for March:
March 2: Bring stuffed animal to school; Dr. Seuss Day
March 6th: Book Orders Due!
March 11th: SMILE! Picture Day.
March 13th: Supplies for carnival basket due
March 17th: Happy St. Patrick's Day! PTA meeting 6pm
March 19th: Skate Night
March 20th: School Carnival!
March 23rd: No School! Vacation.